Tag Archives: Heaven



With all the problems, turmoil, tragedy, evil, insecurity, and sin, it is a good thing this world is not all there is. We have a promise of a new home. The Bible shows us God provides a permanent home where God will dwell with His entire family. It is a home with not health issues, insecurities, or sin. In Christ, we are promised the perfect home with Him. A life in Christ means life with Christ is forever. Our new home will also be in God’s presence. This is the final session in our studies about standing strong on God’s promises. How fitting it turns to Revelations.

Read Revelation 21:1-3

The Book of Revelation details the consummation of world history, in which God judges all those who reject His offer of salvation in Jesus Christ and oppose Him. Chapter 21 describes the time immediately after the Great Whit Throne Judgment, after Satan and all of God’s enemies have been condemned to the lake of fire (20:7-15). It details the coming of the new heaven and new earth, the time of the fullness of God’s rule and reign. God had promised Isaiah (65:17; 66:22) that He would create a new and eternal earth. The new world will be marked by perfect fellowship of believers with one another and with God, and is the final, perfected state of the universe as prepared by God. God’s plan here is that all are equal and all will be in a true relationship with one another. And God will bring this new order into existence at the end of history as we know it.

We don’t know how the new earth will look or where it will be, but God and His believers- those whose name is written in the Book of Life- will be united to live there forever. Basically, the Bible begins in a garden and ends in a garden. Yet between the two gardens a great deal of action, both sacred and secular, takes place. The sacred mainly concerns God’s redemptive efforts, and the secular concerns mankind’s sin, rebellion and puny self-efforts to realize their true destiny. The overall story is about paradise lost and paradise regained. Because people sinned, the material world somehow suffered from mankind’s fall (Gen. 3:17-18) and also will share in his redemption (Rom. 8:22-23). Although the prophet Isaiah was probably the first to envision an ideal society in which people “shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks” (Isa. 2:4), others at different times also have dreamed of a perfect society. Plato conceived the idea of an ideal city-state. Later Thomas More wrote his idealistic Utopia (meaning “no place”). Roger Bacon wrote the New Atlantis, Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto. More recently, Franklin Roosevelt proposed his New Deal, Harry Truman his Square Deal, John Kennedy his New Frontier, and Lyndon Johnson his New Society. I have seen many movies where some group is trying to make a “ideal world”- usually at the expense of someone or depriving some people of their God given free choice. The Biblical term for the ideal society is the kingdom of God!

In the new creation, there will be no “sea”. As noted earlier, the sea represented danger, turmoil, restless masses of people, and separation. The first beat came up out of the sea (13:1). John saw a sea before God’s throne (4:6), symbolizing His moral transcendence or holiness. On the island of Patmos, the sea separated John from those he dearly loved. Now in heaven there is no more sea, thus no more separation. Believers will enjoy God’s presence in the fullest sense and have sweet fellowship around His throne. Since the redeemed will be saved even from the presence of sin, there will be no residue of sin to prevent them from enjoying intimate fellowship with God. Revelation seems to depict mankind’s perfect environment as fulfilled in heaven, not during the millennium. Although in the millennium we will be with Jesus and there will be no Satan (until the very end).

Although John earlier had introduced the subject of the marriage supper of the Lamb (19:9), we now see its fulfillment. In contrast to the worldly city, John  “saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”( v. 2). Since a city consists primarily of people, not buildings, we note further that John “heard a great voice from the throne saying, Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them” (v.3). The word translated “dwelling” is the usual word for “tabernacle”, and the verb for “will dwell” means “will tabernacle” or “will pitch tent”. In fact, it is the identical verb used in John 1:14, which reads, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. The tabernacle symbolized the presence of God. Thus, God became present with people in the person of Jesus Christ, who truly was Emmanuel, “God with us” (Matt. 1:23). No God’s tabernacle or presence will continue permanently with His children in a much fuller sense than they realized His presence during their earthly experience. As Paul wrote, “to depart and be with Christ…is far better” (Phil. 1:23). Although believers are God’s people at all times, they will be His people in a more intimate and personal way in the new creation. While Moses in his human, finite state, could only see the “back” of God (Ex. 33:23), in heaven, all of God’s people will see Him face to face (1 Cor. 13:12. Even though now “we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7), then “we shall see Him as He is (1 John 3:2).

Read Revelation 21:4-5

Verse 4 describes God’s tender care for His children. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying not pain any more, for the former things have passed away.” Some have wondered if tears may include those resulting from regret for deeds left undone, plus wasted opportunities to witness for Christ or minister to people in need. Apparently at some point God mercifully will blot out our remembrance of past failures and sins. Here the picture is one of perfect bliss. Death, mankind’s greatest enemy, will no longer exist for believers. Moreover, the mourning, crying and pain that accompany death will be unknown in the heavenly state. What a wonderful truth! Although John may have meant “former things” in a bad sense, the expression likely is broad enough to cover all earthly experiences and relationships. However, it seems very clear we will know all those in heaven from our earthly contact with them.

God has written the final chapter and it is a about true fulfillment and eternal joy for those who love Him. We don’t know as much as we would like but it is enough to know that eternity with God will be more wonderful than we could ever imagine. We will take our memories with us to Heaven. We are told we will give an account of our life before God. We will know everyone we knew on this earth who is in the New Earth (Acts 1:4-5; John 20:10-18; 20:24-29; 21:15-22). We will be able to be with our families, maybe even live in the same “mansion” (John 14:2-3). We will make new friends. I Thess. 4:13-17 says there will be a glorious reunion with friends and loved ones. We will enjoy fellowship with Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Ezekiel, Elijah, Esther, Mary, David and all the disciples.  We can sit with them and ask them questions and just talk with them. We all –even if we can’t sing now- can go out to the parks of the New Earth and join in with the choirs of heaven. However, relationships with Jesus and God will be the most magnificent of all relationship.

God, of course, is the one “who sat upon the throne” and who said, “Behold, I make all things new” (v.5a). Again the word for “new” means renewed, refreshed, or renovated, not the word that means altogether new. The statement “for these words are trustworthy and true” is God’s most emphatic assurance to John that the vision of the new heaven and earth will certainly come to pass and that God Himself will accomplish His purpose (v.5b).

Read Revelation 21:6-8

The verb translated “It is done!” is plural and literally means “they have come to pass”, perhaps indicating the accomplished renewal of both heaven and earth (v.6a). Although yet future, the consummation of all things is just as certain as God’s promise. Further assurance comes from the declaration, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end” (v.6a; 1:8; 22:13). God additionally declared, “To the thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life without payment” (v.6b; 22:17). This means we can do nothing to earn it. Since water is necessary for the life of human beings, animals, and plants, it became symbol for life. The psalmist compared the righteous with “a tree planted by streams of water (Ps. 1:3). Jesus said, “If any one thirst let him come to me and drink,” and He went on to say, “out of His heart shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:37-38). Centuries earlier, Isaiah had uttered a similar invitation to “everyone who thirsts” (55:1). “Without payment” means that eternal life is a gift of God, thus all grace. “He who conquers” is one who has faith in Christ and consequently “shall have His heritage” and enjoy a true relationship with His Heavenly Father (v.7).

In contrast to God’s children, the “cowards” are fearful ones who abandon Christ at the threats of the beast. They fear persecution so badly that they choose temporary safety over eternal life. They are put in the same list as the unbelieving, the corrupt, the murders, the immoral, the idolaters, the liars, and those practicing magic arts. It says “their lot shall be in the lake that burns with fire and Sulphur, which the second death” (v.8).  The “cowards” are those who did not have the courage to confess Jesus as Lord (Matt. 10:32-33). The people who are victorious “endure to the end”(Mark 13:13). They will receive the blessings that God promised: To follow Christ requires boldness and bravery to stand for Him when oppression occurs. Pray for courage to do what is right no matter what pressure you face. Those who can endure the testing of evil and remain faithful will be rewarded by God. Paul says in 1 Cor. 6:9, 11 that “you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God”. Consequently, forgiven sinners, whatever the nature of their sins, are no longer what they once were. They are truly God’s children. Only by accepting Christ’s salvation through faith and repentance can people avoid an eternity in hell! Or to express it positively, only true believers can claim God’s promise of eternity- in the New Heaven and the New Earth!



Will the New Earth Be an Edenic Paradise?

This world -including its natural wonders- gives us foretastes and glimpses of the next world. This life -including its culture- gives us a look into the next world. If we take literally the earth depictions of life on the New Earth, it will allow us to make a direct connection with our current lives. We have gone through many, many scriptures in the past 4 weeks that seem to make that case very strongly. When we are eating with people here, enjoying food and friendship, it’s a bridge to when we will be eating there, enjoying food and friendship. This isn’t making a leap into the dark of a shadowy afterlife; it’s just taking a few natural steps in the light scriptures give us. The Grand Canyon, the Alps, the Amazon rain forests, the Serengeti Plain- these are rough sketches of the New Earth/ (Can you imagine the trips to be taken by Thelma and Louise?) What about a visit to the Serengeti Plain without the worry of being eaten by a lion? Whenever we see beauty in water, wind, flower, deer, man, woman or child, we catch a glimpse of Heaven. Just like the Garden of Eden, the New Earth will be a place of sensory delight, breathtaking beauty, satisfying relationship, and personal joy. “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden, and there He put the man He had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground- trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.”(Genesis 2:8-9). The phrase ”planted a garden”, shows God’s personal touch, His intimate interest in creative details of the mankind’s home. John 14:2-3 tells us that Christ is paying attention to the details as He prepares for us an eternal home in Heaven. Think- if He prepared Eden so carefully and lavishly for mankind in the six days of creation, what has He fashioned in a place He’s been preparing for us in the 2,000 years since He (Jesus) left this world?

There are those who believe that the New Earth will “start over” with Eden’s original paradise. The scriptures indicate the New Earth will be a carryover of culture and nations from the old earth. The New Jerusalem will be a great, advanced city as we see in Revelations 21:22. Besides Eden wasn’t just a garden. It was an entire land of wonders (Gen. 2:11-12). In Revelations 21:19-20, it tells us about the foundations of the New Jerusalem’s walls. The onyx of Eden (as described in Exodus 28:9-12 & Ezekiel 28:13) will be on this foundation and displayed as a memorial to Eden. So we will not return to Eden but we will remember it. Isaiah 51:3 says “Indeed, the Lord will comfort Zion; He will comfort all her waste places. And her wilderness He will make like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and sound of a melody.” Isaiah, considered the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, says all of the New Earth will be magnificent and glorious. But so does Ezekiel 36:35- “This desolate land has become like a Garden of Eden; and the waste, desolate and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited.”  Isaiah even goes further in 35:1 and 55:13. That seems to be saying that if we want to see a desert, we had better do it now. In studying Isaiah, I am amazed at the New Earth prophecy in the Old Testament. Wait until you hear about animals from Isaiah.

What will New Nature Be Like?

We’ve never seen men and women as they were intended to be. Herman will likely be able to out race us all. We’ve never seen animals the way they were like before the Fall. Have you seen the new Travelers Insurance commercial with the scenes of the animals? We have seen marred remnants of what once was. Likewise, we’ve never seen nature unchained and undiminished. Authors C.S. Lewis (Narnia) and J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) saw core truth of old mythologies and they give us a glimpse of people & beasts & trees that are vibrantly alive. Lewis goes on to say that “Christians have the best of both worlds; we have joy whenever this world reminds us of the next and we take solace whenever it does”. If you get a chance, watch the original Narnia where Lucy & her family and friends come upon what reflects the biblical revelation of the New Earth. It also uses the comparisons of the Old Narnia to the New Narnia to capture the biblical theology of the old and New Earth better than any theologian- according to Randy Alcorn. So C.S. Lewis has used scripture in the making of his Narnia series. It is hard to believe that these movies became popular in today’s environment. On the New Earth we will see the Earth where no good thing will be destroyed. The New Earth will be a place of healing, the place where all hurts are healed, all suffering forever eclipsed by joy (Rev. 22:2). Every healing was a memorial to the Eden that was and a signpost to the New Earth that will be. Everything changes when we grasp that all we love about the old Earth will be ours on the New Earth – either in the same form or another. Think about what this means- we won’t have to regret leaving all the wonders of this world we’ve seen or mourn not having seen its countless other wonders now. We will yet be able to see them.

What is the New Jerusalem?

Scripture that we have talked about before describes Heaven as both a country and a city, (Hebrews).  Fifteen times in Revelation 21 & 22 the place where God and His people will live together is called a city. In these verses there is a detailed description of the architecture, walls, streets, and other features of the city. So it is a literal geographical location. What do we know about cities? A city is a place with buildings, streets, residences occupied by people (both inhabitants and visitors), bustling activity, cultural events and gatherings involving music, arts, education, religion, entertainment, and athletics. It would seem to be misleading for Scripture to repeatedly call it a city if the New Jerusalem, as the capital city of the New Earth, doesn’t have these defining characteristics. The New Jerusalem will be the largest city any human could imagine. In Revelations 21:15-16 the exact dimensions are given, as measured by an angel. It is said to be 12,000 Stadia, or the equivalent of 1,400 miles in length, width, and height. A metropolis this size in the middle of the United States would stretch from the Canadian border to the Mexican border and from the Appalachian Mountains to the California border. ( I have heard others use from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains- not sure which is most accurate. Either case- it is big!) That makes the ground level two million square miles- 40 times bigger than England, 15,000 times bigger than London, 10 times larger than France or Germany, and many times larger than India. However, we are told it is also 1,400 mile high. I am not sure how to compare that- except if each story was 12 feet high, the city would consist of 600,000 stories- each 1,400 miles long and 1,400 miles wide. All of this is very hard for us to try to understand or visualize. However, this is just the city. Revelation 21:4 appears to be telling us that the Church (us when it says nations) will live in the Holy City. The rest of those who came to Christ during the Tribulation and Millennium will likely live outside the New Jerusalem in other cities and in the country (which will be the rest of the New Earth). All who live on the New Earth will be able to travel to all parts and come and go to the New Jerusalem and other areas at will.

The city will have “a great high wall with 12 gates and with 12 angels at the gates.” There will be three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west- Revelations 21:12-13. Revelation 21:25 says these gates will never be closed. There will be no need for security, plus the angels will keep watch. There will be no enemies outside the city’s gates as the entire New Earth will be filled with the knowledge of God- Habakkuk 2:14. And citizens from outside the gates will regularly travel through them, (Rev. 21:24, 26). The city’s open gates will be a great equalizer. There’s no elitism in Heaven; everyone will have access because of Christ’s blood. All people will have access to the city’s parks, museums, restaurants, libraries, concerts- anything and everything the city has to offer. The vast distances involved between the three gates on any side of the city, suggests each gate may go out into a different country, perhaps each with radically different terrain and spectacular sights. People have always gathered at city gates to share news and tell stories. We will be freed to be even more rational, without fears, inadequacies, and sins that plague us now. Revelation 21:8 says there will be no deceit and no lies. To be part of a city is to be a citizen. Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:20 says “Our citizenship is in Heaven.” Note the verb tense- “is” – not “will be”. Although our citizenship in Heaven is present, our residence there is future and assured! This New Jerusalem will be a solid, permanent city, secured by far more than tent stakes. It has not one foundation but 12, each decorated with a different gem-Rev. 21:14, 19-20. Hebrews 11:8-10 tells us that Abraham “was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” The New Jerusalem is that city. This city will have all the advantages of an earthly city but none of its disadvantages. The city will be filled with natural wonders, magnificent architecture, thriving culture- but it will have no crime, pollution, sirens, traffic fatalities, garbage or homelessness. Imagine moving through the city to enjoy arts, music, and sports without pickpockets, porn shops, drugs, or prostitution. Imagine sitting down to eat and toasting the King (with a glass of fruit juice), who will be glorified in every pleasure we enjoy. All who wish to come to Him, anytime, at His throne may do so. God will delight to share with us the glories of His city – and ours.

What will the Great City Be Like?

The New Jerusalem, capital city of the New Earth, will be the largest city that has ever existed. However, in Luke 19:17-19, Jesus mentions many other cities that will be on the New Earth. So others will come from many cities and countryside to visit New Jerusalem. Heaven’s capital city will be filled with visual magnificence. “It shone with the glory of God and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal”.-Rev. 21:11. John continues on in Rev. 21:18-19 to describe the opulence- “The wall made of Jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city wall were decorated with every kind of precious stone.” John then names twelve stones, eight of which were stones of the high priest’s breast piece in Exodus 28:17-20. “The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass.- Rev. 21:21. Tressa- there is your streets of gold!

What is the River of Life?

John describes a natural wonder in the center of the New Jerusalem: “The river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city”- Rev. 22:1-2. Because the city is a center of life and water is an essential part of life, it suggests further that our new bodies will still want water. And where does John say is the source of this great river of life? The Throne of God!! So we won’t have to leave the city to find natural beauty. This river will very likely have many tributaries throughout the rest of this vast city. We are able to walk down the street beside this river and even drink from it (no pollution). The city will have countless other streets but likely none like this great street with the river that leads directly to the Throne of God and the Lamb.

What is the Tree of Life?

John then mentions another striking feature: “On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing 12 crops of fruits, yielding its fruit every month. And leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the nations.”- Rev. 22:2. (It seems that we, the Church Age believers and the Old Testament saints are referred to as the “nations” many times.) This may be indicating we will continuously get “refreshing” from God. The tree of life is mentioned three times in Genesis 2 and four times in Revelations, three of those in the final chapter. We are told the tree of life is presently in Paradise- Present Heaven- Rev. 2:7. All of this seems to be saying two other note-worthy observations: 1) in the New Earth there will more than one tree of life, (“on each side of the river stood the tree of life”), possibly an entire park of these trees in many locations in the New Jerusalem, and 2) as we talked last week about past perfect verbs in Hebrews description of the New Jerusalem, this also seems to be saying John was seeing the city in Present Heaven. So this is the second time that scriptures may be indicating that the New Jerusalem is also ready to live in – in the Present Heaven- and has been prepared long before it comes to Earth as told in Rev. 21:1. This tree of life suggests a supernatural provision of life as Adam & Eve ate the fruit their Creator provided for their use, and we shall have access to it forever. Notice there is no mention of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil to test us. “To him who overcomes (believes in Jesus), I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.”-Rev. 2:7. So this tree of life will be brought down to the New Earth. The indication that there is a monthly yield of fruit demonstrates the newness and freshness of Heaven and that the fruit is to be consumed. Ezekiel 47:12 prophesied the same thing, “Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” So Ezekiel seems to be confirming that there will be many types of trees and Rev. 2:7 seems to say the city is full of parks containing these trees. (See how all of this fits together.) In Rev. 22:2 John says “the leaves of the tree are for healing nations”. This is the third time in Rev. 21 and 22 that the inhabitants (us) of the New Earth are referred to as Nations. So nations will not be eliminated but healed. Indicating that our source of everything is coming directly from God!




Will the New Earth have other Natural Wonders?

What the scripture tells us about the river of life and the tree of life and its fruits is indicative of the natural wonders that will be part of the New Earth. We should expect lakes to be formed by the many rivers. John speaks of “a mountain great and high”- Rev. 21:10. John says “a” mountain not the singular “the” mountain, indicating most likely many more. Just as our resurrection bodies will be better than our current ones, the New Earth’s natural wonders will presumably be more spectacular than those we now know. To view the New Earth as having fewer and less beautiful features than the old earth, pictures the earth’s regression. This is contrary to what we are told over & over. In fact, I believe God was just “warming up” and getting started with this current earth. If we were to think about all the wonders of this earth (Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, the Himalayas, etc.) we should consider that these will be more spectacular and even a great many more of them.

Will there be Space and Time?

What does the Bible mean by the term “new heavens”. In Genesis 1:1 it speaks of God creating “the heavens and the earth”, the words are synonymous with what we mean by universe. In this case “heavens” refer to the realms above the earth; atmosphere, sun, moon, stars and all that’s in outer space. Isaiah 65:17 “Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth.” This corresponds to Genesis, indicating a compete renewal of the same physical universe God first created. Rev. 21:1-2 says “I saw a new heaven and a new earth…”. This too seems to be referring to exactly the same atmospheric and celestial heavens as in Genesis.  It also corresponds to the “new heavens” of Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, and 2 Peter 3:13. The new heavens will be superior to the old heavens -which are confirmed by the Bible’s final two chapters. Earth is the first domain of mankind’s stewardship, but it is not the only domain. Because the whole universe fell under mankind’s sin, we can conclude that the whole universe was intended to be under mankind’s dominion. If so, then the entire new universe will be ours to travel to, inhabit, & rule- to God’s glory. Even under the Curse, we have been able to explore the moon, and have technology to land on Mars. What will our accomplishments be for God’s glory when we have resurrected minds, unlimited resources, complete scientific co-operation, and no more death? Will the far edges of our galaxy be within our reach? Scripture appears to be hinting that “all things are possible through Christ, who strengthens us”. In Rev. 2:28, Jesus says “I will also give him the morning star”. The morning star is a celestial object- the planet Venus. Of course Jesus was Himself referred to as the “morning star”. However, here Jesus is saying I will give it to him. Is this a figurative statement that means something else or is this saying that there will be a new Venus, as part of the new heavens that we will be able to travel to and rule over? This is likely another of those mysteries. However, we can logically conclude based on the other scriptures we have pointed out that the new cosmic heavens will be the old – renewed!

Will we Live is a Spatial World?

The doctrine of the resurrection is an emphatic statement that we will forever occupy “space”- we’ll be physical human beings living in a physical universe. The resurrected Jesus said “Touch Me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”-Luke 24:39. He walked on Earth, we will walk on Earth. He occupied space; we will occupy space. Eden was in space and time, and the New Earth will be in space and time. The promise of Heaven is not that we will become infinite that would be inhuman, but that we will become far better finite humans than we have ever been. The Biblical texts speak of time and space in the New Earth similarly to how they speak of them here and now. Jesus spoke of the uttermost parts or farthest ends of Heaven – Mark 13:27. Even the Present Heaven appears to occupy space. But certainly the new heavens and the New Earth will. God is the one” who inhabits eternity”-Isaiah 57:15. By being with Him on the New Eath, we will share space and time with God.

Will we Experience Time in Heaven?

This is a different look at time than what we did in “space and time”. King James’ version of the Bible translates Rev. 10:6 as “There should be time no longer.” Several other translations have gone back to the original manuscripts (we learned from the Pastor’s study that the KJV did not go back the original source) -to translate this correctly as “There will be no more delay”, which means not that time itself will cease but that there is not time left before God’s judgment is executed.  There is an old hymn that also gets this wrong. In that hymn there a phrase “Time shall be no more”. Ironically in the same hymn it speaks of “When morning breaks…” Both the words “morning” and “when” are references to time. “Amazing Grace” has a better grasp of time: “When we’ve been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise, Than when we’d first begun.” I have attached a list of ten scripture references (copied from the book) that contain evidences of time in Heaven. How can scripture be clearer about time in Heaven? Right down to point 8. (on the list) about silence in Heaven for half an hour. The sixth day of creation was followed by a day of rest- time again. Time was never the mark of the world’s fallen state; it was sin. So time is good and its God’s time, without any time pressure that our future is limited or that we have to do something at a certain time in Heaven. Our future in Heaven will be unlimited. We’ll no longer have to “number our days”.-Psalm 90:12.

Will the New Earth have Sun, Moon, Oceans, and Water?

Rev. 21:23, Rev. 22:5, & Isaiah 60:19-21 say that the New Jerusalem will not need the light of the sun & moon because they will be outshone by God’s glory. None of these scriptures state that there will be no more sun or moon. So the emphasis is on them being overshadowed by the greater light of God. In Genesis 1 God was the light source before He created the sun & moon. So here is another example of how the last chapters of the Bible reestablish something from the first chapters. Other scriptures that tell us God is the light are Isaiah 60:19, Rev. 21:23, John 1:9,5, John 8:12 and Isaiah 60:13. The New Jerusalem will be a city illuminated not only by God’s Holiness but also His grace. So if the New Earth is full of God’s light, does that mean no more sun rises and sunsets? Our sun is on of countless billions of suns. It is likely we will see many more sunrises & sunsets on many worlds. Darkness was part of the original creation and darkness is not evil- only what sinful people do in darkness. Without sin on the New Earth, darkness will be good and even better. Because God created the first celestial heavens to display His Glory-(Psalm 19:1)! He makes the new celestial heavens, they will perform their mission even better. That means we’ll have to be able to see sunrises and sunsets, but maybe not in the Holy City itself. Light may be constant in the New Holy city but not necessarily in the other cites and countries outside of the city gates.

Will there be Oceans?

Rev. 21:1 states there will be “no longer any sea”. However, the core meaning seems to be that there will be no more of the cold, treacherous waters that separate nations, destroy ships, and drown our loved ones. This may be referring to the fact that there will be no more creatures swallowing up seafarers and no more poisoned salt waters (typically used to clean up hazards). Of course God created the seas- Genesis 1:31, but the Curse had a devastating effect on all creation. Revelation 22:1-2, as we talked before, tells us a great river flows right through the capital city. Flowing rivers go somewhere. We would expect lakes and quite possibly huge sea-like, lakes. However, these will likely be fresh water “oceans” or large lakes without the problems of the seas as we know them. Even now many large lakes are ocean like in size and some are fresh water. There will also need to be large bodies of water for the animals (we will talk details about animals a bit later) that live underwater. Isaiah 60 says the renewed Jerusalem will have “the wealth of the seas brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come”- Verse 5. Then in Isaiah 60:9 it speaks of inhabited islands and their ships traveling the sea, “Surely the islands look to me; in the lead are the ships of Tarshish, bringing your sons from afar, with silver & gold, to honor of the Lord your God.” So it seems the New Earth will have large bodies of water- likely all fresh water- for all types of activities. Remember- No Death, so we can not drown.

Will there be Seasons and Varying Weather?

In Ezekiel 34:26-27, God says “I will bless them and the places surrounding My hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessings. The trees of the field will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops.” So rain is a good thing (where has it been?) We will see trees bearing fruit on the New Earth, so presumably they will be rained on. Job 37:3-6 says that lightning, thunder, rain and snow all declare God’s greatness. So is there any reason to conclude such things will not be part of the New Earth? None!! However, no one will die or be hurt by such weather on the New Earth. When we live on the New Earth, could we go hiking in a snowstorm without fear? Could we jump off a cliff into a river three hundred feet below? Could we stand in an open field in flashing lightning and roaring thunder? Must the New Earth be tamed, stripped of high peaks, waterfalls, huge valleys and thunderstorms? I like the seasons, each of them, but without the danger. Jeremiah 5:24- “God who gives autumn and spring in seasons.” There are no specific scripture that clearly says that when the New Earth comes down that everything GOOD won’t be part of the New Earth. The upgrade from the old Earth to the New Earth will be vastly superior to anything we know about or have experienced.

Will we be Ourselves?

Unless we grasp the full meaning of the resurrection, we won’t believe we’ll continue to be ourselves in the afterlife. We are physical beings now and we will be physical beings again after the resurrection. Also as we learned in week #2, we will be in some form of physical state in the present Heaven- although not likely as superior or in a completely physical form as when Jesus comes to Earth (Second Coming). Jesus called people in Heaven by name, including Lazarus in Present Heaven (Luke 16:25) and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in eternal Heaven (Matthew 8:11). A name denoted a distinct identity, an individual. The fact that people in Heaven can be called by the same name they had on Earth demonstrates they remain the same people. If you “know” Jesus, you’ll be you –without the bad parts- forever. (Sherlock Holmes would love this type of logic.)

Will we be Unique?

Just as our genetic code and fingerprints are unique now, we should expect the same of our new bodies. Heaven’s inhabitants don’t simply rejoice over nameless multitudes coming to God. They rejoice over each and every person (Luke 15:4-7,10). That’s a powerful affirmation of Heaven’s view of each person as a separate individual whose life is observed and cared for one at a time. When Moses & Elijah appeared out of Heaven with Christ at the Transfiguration, the disciples with Christ recognized Moses & Elijah as the distinct individuals they were, the same men they were on Earth, infused with holiness. Matthew 8:11 tells us we will sit at a banquet and eat with Abraham & Isaac and others, sitting, eating, talking, laughing with particular individuals. So what makes you –you? It’s not only your body but also your memory, personality traits, gifts, passions, preferences, and interest. In the final resurrection, it is logical to believe all of these facets will be restored and amplified, untarnished by sin. Do you remember when you really felt good, (not in pride or arrogance), about yourself when you honored God? That was just a little taste of who you’ll be in Heaven. Let’s review when we are to get our resurrected bodies. Rev. 20:4-6 says the first resurrection, when all believers’ bodies join their spirits, occurs before the millennium right after Jesus returns to clean up the Tribulation.

Will we become Angels?

No!! The same person who becomes absent from his or her body becomes present with the Lord-2 Corinthians 5:8. The person who departs is the one who goes to be with Christ- Philippians 1:23. Angels are angels. Humans are humans. Angels are beings with their own histories and memories, with distinct identities like Michael and Gabriel. Under God’s direction they serve us on Earth (Hebrews 1:14). Daniel 10:13 & Rev. 12:7 tells us about Michael serving under God. In Heaven, human beings will govern angels- 1 Corinthians 6:2-3. Angels have been with us from childhood, protecting us, standing by us, doing whatever they could on our behalf (Matthew 18:10) Besides God, no one could know us better. According to John’s encounter, angels will show us around in Present Heaven and then we will also walk & talk with them on the New Earth. How great will it be to get to know these brilliant ancient creatures who have lived with God from their creation. We will consult them as well as advise them, realizing they too can learn from us, God’s image- bearers. If we really believed angels were with us daily here and now, wouldn’t it motivate us to make wiser choices?  There is no Biblical basis for trying to make contact with angels now (not even Tess and Monica). We are to ask God, not angels, for wisdom (James 1:5). However, scripture teaches that one or more of God’s angels may be in the room with you now, every once in a while you might say “Thank You and I am looking forward to meeting you.” We won’t be angels but we’ll be with angels- and that will be far better.

Will we have Emotions?

In scripture, God is said to enjoy, laugh, have love for His children, take delight, and rejoice, as well as be angry, happy, jealous, and be glad. So we should consider that our emotions are derived from God’ emotions! To be like God means to have and express emotions. Hence, we should expect that in Heaven emotions will exist for God’s glory and our good.  Rev 6:16 & 7:10 talks about emotions John encountered in Heaven. Even angels respond emotionally –(Rev. 7:11-12, 18:1-24). While Revelations 21:4 says there will be no crying or pain, it is clearly speaking of those emotions not happening because of injustice or sorrow. However, how about tears of joy when we see Jesus, and experience all the good things of banquets, feasts, singing and being with loved ones? Luke 6:21 says people will laugh in Heaven.

Will we have desires?

We will have many desires in Heaven but they won’t be unholy desires. Everything we want will be good and pleasing to God. One of the greatest things about Heaven is that we’ll no longer have to battle our desires. Christianity is unique in its perspective of our desires, teaching that they will be satisfied and fulfilled on the New Earth. Also that Jesus takes our sins away while redeeming our desires. God’s law, the expression of His attributes, will be written on our hearts- Hebrews 8:10. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart”- Psalm 37:4. Whatever we want will be exactly what God wants.

Will we Maintain our own Identities?

You will be you in Heaven. It is obvious that the resurrected Jesus did not become someone else, He remained who He was before His resurrection: “It is I Myself” Luke 24:39. In John 20:10-18, 24-29, 21:15-22, the resurrected Jesus deals with Mary, Thomas, & Peter in very personal ways, drawing on His previous knowledge of them in His pre-resurrected state. Also if we were not ourselves in the after life, we couldn’t be rewarded or held accountable for activities we did in this life. Isaiah 66:22, “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before Me, declares the Lord, so will your name and descendents endure.” The names of God’s children are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Rev. 20:15 21:27). To have the same name written in Heaven that was ours on Earth speaks of continuity between this life and the next. In addition to our earthly names, we’ll receive new names in Heaven (Isaiah 62:2, 65:15, Rev. 2:17, 3:12). New names don’t invalidate the old ones. Many people have had multiple names in scripture. When God is finished with the resurrection, we will be ourselves without sin- meaning we will be the best we can be.








Nature of Present Heaven

Gen. 3:18; 1 Thess. 4:17-18; Luke 23:43; Eph. 1:10; Rev. 4:1-2; 2 Cor. 5:8; Luke16:22-31

I want to provide a summary of what we, as believers, go through to get to our permanent Home.

We are in the Church Age now. This is the period of time that the “church” is on earth. It started 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection and was on the Jewish Holiday of Pentecost.  The Church Age will end when the Church is raptured- all believers that are alive at that time will go to Heaven with Jesus. The Church Age is divided into 7 periods which are described and represented by the 7 churches in Revelations Chapters 2 & 3. These describes in the visions that John gets about the future churches also- not only past churches to John. Most of these church periods have happened since but that is a significant subject for another time. In chapter 4 of Revelations John goes to Heaven (it says John “changes” into a spirit or different form) and this is symbolic of the rapture. The Rapture will occur on the fifth feast day, what is called Trumpets in Revelations. Then the Tribulation will begin and last for 7 years. The second coming of Jesus will occur at the end of the Tribulation and we will follow Jesus to earth. Evil is overcome and Satan is bound and removed from earth. This starts the Millennium (1000 years). The Millennium is a time where Jesus walks the earth to further cleanse it, which began upon when He returned, and to provide a time for even more to become believers.  More about the Millennium later.

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18- This Scripture is all about the Rapture. It states that we who are alive will be caught up in the clouds with the Lord and will be with Him forever. The Second Coming in Revelations 19:11 says we follow Him when He returns. So, this Thessalonian passage further defines how many will enter the Present Heaven.

Ephesians 1;10- It starts with Earth under sin and the Curse but once this aberration is corrected, Heaven and Earth will be fully compatible again.

Luke 23:43- “Today you will be with me in paradise”, clearly Present Heaven.

Luke 16:22-31- Tells that Lazarus is conscious in Heaven or Hell.

2 Corinthians 5:8- Tells the spiritual part of us relocations to a conscious existence in Heaven – clearly temporary Heaven. Also, Daniel 12:2-3.

Genesis 3:8- God came down to walk with Adam and Eve instead of taking them directly to Heaven. Says God was not ready to establish the permanent Heaven.

Read Rev. 4:1-2 to determine what it is saying.

Present Heaven Physical Place

Phil. 1:23; John 14:23; Daniel 12:2-3; 2 Cor. 5:8; 2 Kings 2:11; Heb. 9:11, 16, 24; Rev. 2:7

While God does not need a physical place, as finite humans we do. So, can people, being by natural both spiritual and physical, dwell in a realm without physical properties.

Read 2 Kings 2:11; Hebrews 9:11,16, 24; Daniel 12:2-3; Philippians 1:23; John 14:23 to check what they say about a physical place in Present Heaven.

Revelation 2:7 states, “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” The same physical tree of life that was in the Garden of Eden will one day be in the New Jerusalem on the New Earth (Rev. 22:2). Now it is (present tense) in the intermediate or present heaven.

There are so many more verses that gives us evidence that this will be a physical place, – Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 8:5. Can you think of others?


Here is a website with a great section on End Times and Prophecy information, tips, and helps for all ages and situations. It also provides Christian faith, parenting and fashions in many other areas for you and/or family. 



  1. Will Heaven Be boring?

Psalm 71:19; Isaiah 40:12-28; Phil. 3:20-21; Heb. 9:24

In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain writes about a view of Heaven. The Christian spinster, Miss Watson takes a dim view of Heaven. Huck said: She went on and told me all about a good place (Heaven).  She said all a body would have to do there was said was go around all day with a harp and sing, forever and ever. Huck continued: So, I didn’t think much of it and I don’t even play the harp. I asked Miss Watson if she reckoned Tom Sawyer would go there, and she said, not by a considerable sight. I was glad about that, because I wanted him and me to be together. The pious Miss Watson had nothing to say about Heaven that appealed to Huck. And if we are honest, nothing that appeals to us.

There another story about Randy Alcorn talking to a pastor about Heaven. The pastor said he would not bring a message about Heaven to the pulpit because it made him sad because he just couldn’t think about just floating on a cloud all day. There are several theologians who have stated of that view of Heaven that they pity the man who never thinks accurately about Heaven. This sounds a bit like Mr. T- “I pity the fool”. There is a lot of theological neglect of Heaven and most people have never heard a sermon on Heaven-  especially as we will view it.

There are many Scriptures that provide a very good picture of our beginning look at what Heaven is really like, but let’s start with the following: Hebrews 9:24; Psalm 71:19; Isaiah 40:12-28; and Philippians Heaven- and 3:20-21.   These tell of God’s presence, God’s creation, and God’s love.

2. Are You Looking Forward to Heaven?

John 14:1-3; Phil. 1:21,23; 2 Cor. 5:6,8

Jonathan Edwards, a great Puritan preacher, often spoke of Heaven. He is quoted: “It becomes us to spend this life only as a journey toward Heaven…to which we should subordinate all other concerns of life. Why should we labor for or set our hearts on anything else, but that which is our proper end and true happiness?” This follows what I have often said that this life is just our pre-life; the real life is in Heaven.

Let’s go to these verses for some perspective: John 14:1-3; Philippians 1:21, 23; and 2 Corinthians 5:6, 8. John tells us that Jesus is going to prepare a place for us and return to get us. Paul tells us he is longing to be with Jesus in Philippians. In Corinthians, Paul says we are not at home in these bodies and prefer to be away from these bodies.


Are there other verses you like that says we are looking to Heaven?

3. Is Heaven Beyond Our Imagination?

2 Tim. 2:7; Psalm 119:18, 1 Cor. 2:9,13; 2 Cor. 12:2-4

When Marco Polo returned to Italy from the court of Kublai Khan, he described a world his audience had never seen- one that could not be understood without the eyes of imagination. Not that China was an imaginary realm, but it was very different from Italy. Yet as two locations on planet earth inhabited by humans, they had much in common. It gave some reference points of the two locations that helped for understanding. The writers of Scripture present Heaven in many ways, including as a garden, a city, and a kingdom. Because of these references, they offer us a bridge to understanding Heaven.

So, let’s look at the following scriptures: 2 Tim. 2:7; Psalm 119:18, 1 Cor. 2:9,13; 2 Cor. 12:2-4. Paul writes in Timothy that the Lord will help us understand these things. Psalm says that the writer asks God to open his eyes to see the “wonderful truths”. 1 Cor. 2:9 says that no one can see, hear, or mind can imagine what God has prepared. Verse 13 states that no human wisdom can tell us these things- they come from the Spirit. In 2 Corinthians, Paul talks about the third Heaven that only God could know. (More on the third Heaven later).

4.Can You Know You’re Going to Heaven?

Rev. 21:27; Romans 6:23; John 3:16; 1 John 1:9; Eph. 2:8-9

Ancient cities kept rolls of their citizens. Guards were poised at the city gates to keep our criminals and enemies by checking their names against the list. While today, we don’t keep lists on which to check; however, this is exactly the context found in Revelation 21:27. “Nothing impure will ever enter (the city), not will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

1 John 1:9 tells us one of the best methods to know we are going to Heaven. Forgiveness is established by our confession. I know we all can quote John 3:16- Jesus gave His life for our sins. Romans 6:23 tells us that the “wages of sin is death” and eternal life is a gift from God through Jesus Christ. Finally, in this section, Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.”

5. Will Anything Prevent Believers From Going To Heaven?

Many religions and people talk about the “unforgivable sin”. Some say it is suicide, some others attempt to make a list or type of people who can’t be forgiven. The Bible teaches if a person is a true believer is Jesus, confesses their sins, and prays to receive Jesus as their savior they can’t be “snatched” out of the hands of God. It is stated in John 10:28-29: “I give them eternal life and they will never parish. No one can snatch them away from me, for My Father has given them to Me, and He is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.” So, suicide, cremation, being blown apart, or anything else can prevent the true believer from going to Heaven.

Jesus, in Matthew 12:31-32, says there is one, and only one, unforgiven sin. “Every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven- except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. Any one who speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come.”

6.Unveiling the Mystery

Rev. 1:1-6, Psalm 103:10-12; Acts 17:11; Luke 11:23

Psalm 103:10-12 says God doesn’t punish us for our sins but has unfailing love for us. In Luke 11:23 Jesus tells us that anyone who not working with Him is against Him. Acts 17:11 Paul reports that those in Thessalonica were open-minded and listens to the Gospel to help them know the mystery of salvation. Paul often talked about the mystery of the word or gospel.  Then in Revelations Jesus stated that the New Testament is about unveiling the mystery of what had been hidden.

The first six verses of Revelation 1 set the stage for all of Revelation and prepares us for the Coronation of a Savior- Jesus!!


1:1The Revelation of Jesus. In the N.T. revelation (unveiling of a mystery) is always used of a divine unveiling of something that has been hidden. Here Jesus is the one who discloses “what must soon take place” – and in the process reveals something of His glory.

1:2-3Blessing. The “one who reads” and “those who hear” refer to a public reading of the book in church. Because this is “prophecy”, in the sense of divine revelation, it merits immediate acceptance as Scripture. Because the revelation comes directly from the risen Jesus, it is of utmost importance.

1:4- The seven churches. All seven were in the Roman province of Asia, now Asia Minor. They are listed in 1:11, and a message directed to each is found in Rev. 2 and 3. It describes the churches of John’s day- but they are also present churches, with good and bad qualities- all during the Church Age, which is from Pentecost (50 days after Jesus’ resurrection) to Rapture.

1:5a- Firstborn from the dead. Christ’s resurrection is the pledge that we too will be raised. He was not only the first, He is the One who has supreme authority over the vast family of faith destined to follow Him.

1:5b-6- Doxology to Christ.  Here is some of the most powerful praise found in the Bible, celebrating Christ’s love, the forgiveness won for us by His blood, and the exalted position to which He has raised us.


Here is a website with a great section on End Times and Prophecy information, tips, and helps for all ages and situations. It also provides Christian faith, parenting and fashions in many other areas for you and/or family. 



Life in Present Heaven

Present Heaven is the current place where Jesus is at the right hand of God- right after His Ascension to Heaven. It is where all true believers in Jesus go upon passing from this earth. So, the term “Present Heaven” is more about “Present” than about Heaven. Permanent Heaven is described by Jesus (to Apostle John) in Revelation chapters 21 and 22. Many things must happen prior to this future occurrence/promise, so there must be a current Heaven. That is the Present Heaven. These seven passages tell us a lot about “Present Heaven”.

Rev. 6:9-11; Heb. 12:23; Eph. 3:15; Luke 16:25; Rev. 14:13; Rev. 6:10; Luke 15:7, 10

You may want to stop and read the above six Scriptures, before we go to Rev. 6:9-11. These verses in Revelation chapter six tell us a whole lot more than in any one area of the Scriptures – about the Present Heaven.

PRESENT HEAVEN List of 21 Observations from Revelations 6:9-11

Read, Study, & Share these with others to get them to Present Heaven!


  1. When these people died on Earth, they relocated to Heaven – V. 9
  2. These people in Heaven were the same ones killed for Christ while on Earth –V.9. This demonstrates direct continuity between our identity on Earth and our identity in Heaven. The Martyrs’ personal history extends directly back to their lives on Earth. Those in the Present Heaven are not different people; they are the same people relocated – “righteous men made perfect” (Hebrews 12:23).
  3. People in Present Heaven will be remembered for their lives on Earth. These were known and identified as ones slain “because of…the testimony they had maintained”-v.9.
  4. “They called out” v. 10 means they are able to express themselves audibly. This could suggest they exist in physical form, with vocal cords or other tangible means to express themselves.
  5. People in Present Heaven can raise their voices- v.10. This indicates that they are rational, communicative, and emotional- even passionate-beings, like people on Earth.
  6. They called out “in a loud voice”, not “loud voices”. Individuals speaking with one voice indicate that Present Heaven is a place of unity and shared perspective-v.10.
  7. The martyrs are fully conscious, rational, aware of each other, God, and things on Earth-v.10.
  8. They ask God to intervene on Earth and to act on their behalf: “How long…until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”-v.10. This is some indication people were asking God for help on issues they could not see.
  9. Those in Present Heaven are free to ask God questions, which means they have an audience with God. It also means they need to learn. In Heaven people desire understanding and pursue it
  10. People in Present Heaven learn what’s happening on Earth because they ask (at least to some extent)-v.10. The martyrs know enough to realize that those who killed them have not been judged.
  11. Heaven dwellers have a deep concern for justice and retribution- v. 10. When we go to Heaven, we won’t adopt a passive disinterest in what happens on earth. On the contrary, our concerns will be more passionate and thirst for justice greater. Neither God now we will be satisfied until His enemies are judged, our bodies raised, sin and Satan defeated, earth restored, and Christ exalted over all!
  12. The martyrs and saints clearly remember their lives on earth-v.10. Martyrs even remember that they were murdered. Remember we who were not murdered are called “saints” not martyrs.
  13. The martyrs in Heaven pray for judgment on their persecutors who are still at work hurting others. The martyrs and saints are acting in solidarity with, and in effect interceding for, the suffering saints on the earth. This suggests that saints in Present Heaven are praying for saints on earth. Rev. 5:11-12 Angels told all those who were gathered around the throne by singing Worthy is the Lamb who was slain. All of this is evidence of a Present Heaven –different from future.
  14. Those in Present Heaven see God’s attributes (“Sovereign…holy and true”) in a way that makes His judgment of sin more understandable.
  15. Those in Heaven are distinct individuals. “Then each of them was given a white robe.”-v.11. There isn’t one merged identity that obliterates uniqueness, but a distinct “each of them”.
  16. The martyrs’ wearing white robes suggest the possibility of actual physical forms, because disembodied spirits presumably don’t wear robes. The robes may well have symbolic meaning, but it doesn’t mean they couldn’t also be physical. In fact the martyrs and saints appear in physical forms that John could actually see-v-11.
  17. God answers their question v.11, indicating communication and process in Heaven. It also demonstrates that we won’t know everything in Heaven-if we did, we would have no questions. The martyrs and saints knew more after God answered their question than before they asked it. There is learning in Present Heaven. Suggesting also places for learning and other activities.
  18. God promises to fulfill their requests, but says they will have to “wait a little longer”-v.11. Those in Present Heaven live in anticipation of future fulfillment of God’s promises. Unlike the eternal future Heaven- where there will be no more sin, Curse, or suffering on the New Earth (Rev. 21:4)—the Present Heaven coexists with and watches over an Earth under sin, the Curse, and suffering.
  19. There is time in the Present Heaven v.10-11. The white-robed martyrs ask God a time-dependent question: ”How long, Sovereign Lord…until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”-v.10. They are aware of time’s passing and are eager for the coming day of the Lord’s judgment. God answers that they must “wait a little longer” until certain events transpire on earth. Waiting requires the passing of time. In Rev. 8:1 states that the Lamb broke the seventh seal, and those around were silenced for about half an hour.
  20. The people of God in Present Heaven have a strong familial connection with those on earth, who are called their “fellow servants and brothers”-v.11. We share the Father, “from whom every family in Heaven and on earth is named”- (Ephesians 3:15) There is not a wall of separation within the bride of Christ. We are one family with those who’ve gone to Present Heaven ahead of us. After we go to Heaven, we’ll still be one family with those yet on earth. These verses demonstrate a vital connection between the events and people in Heaven and events and people on Earth.
  21. Our Sovereign God knows down to the last detail all that is happening and will happen on earth-v.11, including every drop of blood shed and every bit of suffering undergone by His children. However, there is good indication that God shares what we need to know while in Present Heaven. The Voice of Martyrs (an organization with a newsletter and website) estimates that more than 150,000 people die for Christ each year, and average of more than 400 per day. God knows the name and story of each one. He knows exactly how many martyrs there will be, and He is prepared to return and set up His Kingdom when the final martyrs dies (after the Tribulation and when our Lord returns).


All of these observations are true for all in Present Heaven, our loved ones already there and for us when we die- unless the Rapture occurs first. From these observations and the other incidents shared in the other verses about Present Heaven, we can make many other conclusions about what will be possible in Present Heaven. However, we are not to conclude that these other things are for sure- only that they are possibilities. Another of the Mysteries we will learn for God- first hand!


Here is a website with a great section on End Times and Prophecy information, tips, and helps for all ages and situations. It also provides Christian faith, parenting and fashions in many other areas for you and/or family.